Owen has reached the grand old age of 10 months and boy it has been a dozy of a month! He had started to "army crawl" just before he turned 9 months and then in Florida - with the help of Grandma Pattison - he mastered the art of crawling on all fours and really enjoyed getting into everything. He especially enjoyed the glass coffee table at Sea Fair drive and spent lots of time banging his hands on it and making exciting noises. He also very quickly transitioned to pulling himself up and was thrilled to discover it meant he could grab at anything and everything within arms reach on all our lower surfaces - but was disappointed at how quickly everything disappeared from his reach...
Back home in Idaho he was getting into everything. With some useful tips from neighbor Sue I soon learned that when given his own "adult" places to play he was happy enough to finally leave the dishwasher alone. He is now the proud owner of his own drawer full of Tupperware that he will be contentedly consumed by for many minutes on end. We have still to figure out how to keep the television and assorted electrical boxes out of his reach - hopefully Brian will be able to build a nice safe TV cabinet very soon!
Here he is playing with his favorite toy - I swear he actually does it to get my attention now. Because I always go and grab him whenever he gets anywhere near the TV, now when I come over to get him he looks at me and starts giggling hysterically all while holding onto the DVD player!
After a slow couple of months in the weight gain department we went back to the doctor and discovered he had managed to put on well over a pound in the last month - so he now weighs a whopping 19lbs 7oz (30th percentile) and measures an impressive 29.5 " (80th percentile). It looks like we're going to have a tall slim boy - not a bad thing. I owe a huge amount of gratitude to Sue and baby William for introducing us to yogurt. It's pretty much the only thing he'll eat - but I've managed to slip in a fair few fruits - which he tolerates - as well as the occasional veggie, all of which has certainly contributed to his decent weight gain. He still gags whenever I try and give him anything with more substance than smooth oatmeal, but he'll happily play with cheerio type foods and occasionally put them in his mouth - so real solid food is hopefully not too far off.
Sadly the breast-feeding has pretty much come to a complete halt. Mainly due to the presence of 4 very sharp teeth, as well as another one on its way (which we just spotted today after a few sleepless nights). In Florida we also figured out how to produce a few more syllables, with dadadadadadadad now being a favorite babble. We’re not quite on to mamamamama yet, but Dr Morse thinks that will likely come very soon. She was very impressed with his development in the last month and all her previous minor concerns are now put to bed and she says he's clearly a happy, healthy normal little guy.
In the past few days he has started to stand unaided for a few seconds at a time and will take a few steps (although only while someone holds his hands). His nanny, Carey, says he's become quite opinionated and vocal at daycare, he plays really well but is especially fond of stealing other babies bottles - he's now known fondly as the "the bottle thief"!
Here's some videos showing some more exciting new developments:
Reading A Book
This boy's got rhythm!
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