I can hardly believe that a whole year has gone by since Owen Ambrose entered the world. It seems just a blink of an eye - although not an eye that has had much sleep. Yes, that has to be my overriding memory of the year - lack of sleep. Combined with gut-wrenching worry over - more often than not - something really insignificant, the first year as a parent has been intense. A roller coaster ride is the best metaphor, one minute you're high in the sky, smiling, having fun, loving life, basking in the sun, the next minute you're plunging to what seems like your death, your stomach is in knots and you can barely breathe you're so scared. That is how it feels to go from the thrill and happiness of a day with Owen when he learns something new or smiles at you, to the day when your nanny calls to say she dropped him down the stairs or when you hear a loud thud in his crib and panic that he's somehow thrown himself out of it (not something that is at the moment remotely possible, but being a mum = irrational fear.).
Thankfully, this past year has had many more ups than downs, and we have emerged pretty much scar free. The star of the show has obviously been Owen. He is a spectacular little boy. Devilishly handsome and with the most infectious and coveted giggle in the history of babies, I feel incredibly lucky to have him in my life. Today, at one year old, he is getting close to being an accomplished walker. He still crawls occasionally but in the week since his first birthday he's gone from cautious steps to strutting around the house, bending down and picking things up and then walking on, and even pivoting around while walking. He is thoroughly enjoying the new world that walking has opened up for him. And every day he teaches us something new - mainly what we need to baby proof next.
On the talking front he hasn't progressed much yet from dadadadadada, there are a few more vowel sounds and "babas" "nanas" "dodos" in there, but still no "mamama." And he doesn't seem to associated words with things (i.e. he doesn't look at Brian and say DaDa, although "dodo" does come out when the puppies are around). Doctor Morse says we should be really persistent in saying lots of vowel sounds to him, so I go around the house singing AAAA EEEEEEEEE IIIIIIIIIIII OOOOOOOOO UUUUUUUU and MAMAMAMAMAMA a lot - but other than with mild amusement, Owen doesn't seem to be responding much to this. Oh well, I suppose it's still early and he doesn't hear a lot of talking during the day, as he's either with just me or just Brian or in a small daycare with other babies who aren't really speaking yet.
As for our other bug-bear - food - we seem to have stalled again on that. He hasn't gained much weight (clocks in at 21lbs right now and he hasn't gone much over 29" height-wise - but his head is still growing and he's on his growth curve, so nothing to worry about too much). For a while there he was taking 3-4 jars of baby food a meal and eating my homemade baby purees with relish, but this past week it's back to Yo Baby yogurt or nothing and homemade food is clearly poison. Carey thinks it may be teething and the Yo Baby is more soothing as it's cold and smooth, so hopefully it is just a blip.
As for teeth we have 6 now - 4 up top, 2 down low - and another biggy on the way (up top). He does know how to use them as he loves to chomp on cookies - that sweet tooth 'aint going anywhere - but if I put, say, a vegetable on his high chair he picks it up and examines it with disgust before throwing it on the floor - at least the puppies are getting their 5-a-day.
Well - an intense year provides lots to look back on and lots of memories crammed into 365 short days. This blog will, I hope, stand as a record for Owen to enjoy one day - and I hope you all have enjoyed it too!
WHERE HAVE I BEEN? Accoding to my blog tracker on my blog, you haven't updated your blog in over 3 weeks. Low and behold, you have done a mighty fine job of keeping me updated on the Tuohy business, but i haven't checked. What fun it was for me to read all about the last month. Owen sure is devilishly handsome!!!
Such an adorable photo! hope you are all doing better this week! Don't worry this month is almost over. Let's hope for a happy, healthy spring for all of us!
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