Tuesday, September 30, 2008


We were so very lucky to be able to spend a whole month in England this September. Owen got to meet friends and family and experience many aspects of life in his other country.
To see a lot of photos from our trip (over 300!) click here to visit Kodak Gallery.

The following posts are snippets into our time in the mother country...

Owen - The World Traveler

Owen & His Ladies....
The little guy was a huge hit with the ladies, so much so that even ones we didn't know cooed over him. He got so used to the attention that he developed a new sound. Whenever we were somewhere (say on a London bus) where people weren't paying him any attention, he would scream a sort of short sharp squawk, until the object of his desire looked at him. It got a little embarrassing, I had to tap people on the shoulder and say "would you mind smiling at my son please?'"!!

Owen & his lovely godmother Henrie

Owen & Purday

Owen & Jonas (Nadia's new baby) with Hannah & Jo

Nadia & Owen

Rozzi & Owen

Emma & Owen

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Way to start him young Jenni! He can teach William the ways of the English women.