Monday, November 24, 2008

Baby-Led weaning, progress update...

So, we've been at this Baby-led weaning thing for about 10 days now and we haven't actually eaten much, but we've made lots of huge messes!

The second day we tried avocado and banana (separately) and we had tons of fun mushing it all up. After that I tried pears each morning for 3 or 4 days which he played with for a while but didn't really eat (the advantage of pears being that they don't mush up quite so easily and therefore make a lot less mess).

For the past two days we've tried wedges of baked sweet potato (pictured above) which does make a mess but seems to engage his interest for quite a while. Yesterday I think he even ate a little (judging by the mess around his mouth and his look of disgust on his face).

I just received the book Baby-led Weaning: Helping Your Baby to Love Good Food by Gill Rapley, which I ordered from England. Hopefully I'll get some tips from that. One thing I'm definitely going to start trying is offering him food while we eat and have him sitting there with us. Hopefully this will engage his instinct to copy us and result in him eating some of what he's playing with. In the meantime we just make sure he gets all his nutrition from mummy's milk and the nice people at Similac.


Unknown said...

I tried offering Pete larger narrow wedges instead of the tiny pea size pieces I've been doing and he did appear to eat more. He's able to grasp it better so he gets the pieces to him mouth more times than not this way. He does shove the entire piece in his mouth so I have to make sure it's with things that smush up quite well. So hopefully when Owen figures out that he is supposed to eat all that mushy stuff he'll be able to eat it better!

Suzanne said...

Owen has the cutest little face in this picture! Don't let me forget to give you the Yo-baby. You can start at 9 months, but since he is almost 9 months, I figure that is close enough. Im sure that pretty soon, that little boy of you will be eating you out of house or home, but if must be quite frusterating at this stage! Hopefully, we will be eating much better soon!

Becky K. said...

Wow...he is one cute kiddo!