Sunday, January 25, 2009

My First Tantrum

Here is Owen, captured during his first real tantrum...

As he gets older, more mobile and more self-aware, Owen has also become keenly attuned to what he wants and what he can do to get it. Case in point: my earlier post about the TV station... Today, he got hold of something he wasn't supposed to - I think it was a tube of lotion - and when I took it away he really started screaming. In the past when this happened, I would give it back to him (if it was safe) or swap it for something else. But I decided not to give it back to him (as it wasn't something I wanted him getting used to playing with) and he would not be mollified by anything else. So he crawled determinedly into the middle of the hallway and sat there and screamed... now how do I go about putting the kabosh on this?!!? Surely he's far too young for the terrible twos...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh does this sound familiar. Though we haven't experienced the full blown tantrum yet. He gets really mad when we take something away from him. I think the only thing we can do is stand our ground as hard as it is. It's supposed to make it easier in the long run isn't it? I hope!